Calculating staking payouts

I would like to propose getting the community involved in calculating staking payouts. So far as I am aware the only time we had a payout that was calculated successfully was the time a member of the community built the query and did the calculation.

Sam, frankly this is below your pay grade: the time you spend generating the spreadsheet then confirming/issuing payouts to people who get shortchanged is all a complete distraction from what’s important: focus on building the MEV battleship and let some of us plebs do the legwork of these calcs (obviously you/the team can verify before distribution)


Consolidating my post in another thread here:

There seem to be some confusion around revenue so looking to start an open dialog around estimated revenue streams. By my view revenue will be divided up into several different categories (1) Protocol Revenue, (2) MM Rev, (3) Validator Revenue. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s assume that in order to secure revenue in stream #3 we need to have significant market share of #1 and #2.

The team has openly shared that they are working on setting up Sushi as a partner so let’s start there. With typical market cycles the volume that is routed through sushi significantly varies by bull/bear so for a smoothing we will use a 12 month lookback.

# Description Amt Comments
1 Total Sushi Volume (Annual) $ 89,300,000,000
2 Sushi Arbitrage Estimate (Annual) $ 37,506,000 .04% arb estimated
3 Sushi Arbitrage Estimate (Monthly) $ 3,125,500
4 After 50/50 split - Fold Rev (Monthly) $ 1,562,750

*Sources: *

• Sushi Total Volume – Dune Analytics Dex Volume

• Arb % of total volume – Dune Analytics Dex Volume, Flashbots Total Arb MEV estimates

The team has also shared that they are expecting to set up Balancer though I’m not expecting that to be up and running soon. Will skip over this for now.

Will follow this thread on with expectations of Market Maker rev value once we have a better view on the expected % we will charge MMs. More to come…

Open to critics and feedback.