Better ETH
Better ETH is the cumulative plan for enabling the best liquid staking service for Ethereum validators and provide the most performant infrastructure for DeFi Protocols and MEV Searchers. I will break down the individual ‘subsystems’ to provide an overview of what they do and how its relevant to both ETH and FOLD Staking.
This is Part 1 of a multi-part series of updates. In this update I will detail changes of FOLD and the new Isolated Lending Protocol. The next update will include details about the new Blockspace Futures/Options Exchange, and the update after that will have details about the LSD Protocol. A final update will summarize all of the previous posts.
Ecosystem Subsystems Mapview
Map Color Legend
Purple: Liabilities
- These are external deposits held within the system or are a liability of the system
Green: Revenue
- These are sources that generate positive cash flow
Red: System Debt
- These are risks underwritten by positions in the system, mainly FOLD staking
Orange: Effects Revenue
- These can positively or negatively effect sources of revenue.
Blue: Validator Subsystems
- These are directly effected by the validator business. Deposits for securing validator stake is required to operate these activities in some capacity.
New Vault for single asset staking is ‘FOLD v2’
With the Liquid Staking Service going live, we will begin using FOLD for paid RPC access and Priority Block Submission access for SecureRPC. *Access can be paid for on a leased, bribe, or per-consumption basis
This means FOLD can be used as an additional bribe for block builder submissions, for getting lower latency access to the MEV Relay or for accessing our RPC endpoint.
FOLD will underwrite the risk to slashing for validators. This means all slashing risk is born on FOLD staked deposits, which in turn earn a fixed fee from the LSD protocol.
FOLD will earn fees from the ‘Protocol owned Validator Set’. These validator deposits are earned from the excess MEV surplus generated from the Smoothing Pool PID Contract. This contract calculates an avg. fee to distribute to the validators. The excess of this avg. fee is returned to the protocol for purposes of being used to acquire more validator positions. These validator positions are owned by ‘the Protocol’. The Ethereum protocol fees earned directly from these specific validators accrues to the FOLD staking vault and the Manifold Finance Multisig.
Summary for FOLD v2
- FOLD underwrites risk for Slashing
- FOLD now used in accessing RPC services
- FOLD now used in ‘bribing’ or paying for Priority Access for the Relay
Isolated Lending Protocol
The Lending Protocol is written in Vyper
This is the main lending pool which powers the isolated lending market. It is a relatively simple isolated lending pool which works to balance its interest rate to encourage utilization of the pool between a Minimum and Maximum utilization range. Asset shares are also implemented as an ERC20 for compatibility and composability. The contracts are implemented with emergency measures of both a 2 week timelock, and a pool deposit freeze mechanism.
Moreover, pools utilize interest rate epochs
, directing fees earned to Protocol-Owned liquidity for 3 days after majors spikes in interest rates, this is done to discourage attacks which suddenly spike interest rates to liquidated borrowers at the gain of lenders. This mechanism is referred to as the ‘Surge Circuit Breaker’.
Note: The Smoothing Pool PID has a similar design construct in that it directs fees in surplus of the calculated
reward back into the LSD protocol for purposes of buying protocol owned validators. These mechanisms are built to mitigate attacks.
Additional Features
- The ability to deposit is pausable through an EOA wallet with admin privileges, but upgradability is not possible.
- If there are no outstanding borrows, there is no need to accrue interest, and interest rate should be moved the minimum to encourage borrowing
- Fees should be considered in total assets
- If the daily change in interest rate is greater than the Surge threshold, trigger surge breaker
Risk Market Details
MINIMUM_TARGET_UTILIZATION = 400000000000000000 # 40%
MAXIMUM_INTEREST_PER_SECOND = 15854896000 # Aprox 50% APR
MINIMUM_TARGET_UTILIZATION = 600000000000000000 # 60%
MAXIMUM_TARGET_UTILIZATION = 800000000000000000 # 80%
MINIMUM_INTEREST_PER_SECOND = 79274480 # Aprox 0.25% APR
MAXIMUM_INTEREST_PER_SECOND = 31709792000 # Aprox 100% APR
MAXIMUM_INTEREST_PER_SECOND = 317097920000 # Aprox 1000% APR
Risk configuration for stablecoin to stablecoin pairs, or ETH to staked ETH pairs, and other likewise pairs
MINIMUM_INTEREST_PER_SECOND = 79274480 # Aprox 0.25% APR
MAXIMUM_INTEREST_PER_SECOND = 7927448000 # Aprox 25% APR
Ask your questions below, we will post additional parts of this update series later tonight and tomorrow. Thanks!