Relay Compliance and Efficacy

Thoughts on AWS Nitro? I know it’s still basically the same trust assumption (trust your OEM with the setup) but I have not seen a comparison of side channel exploits and benchmarking of past known incidents b/w SGX vs. Nitro.

This is fascinating data. Do all the other censoring relay operators basically following the same blacklist as the FB relay? Specifically ofac_blacklist.json from the FB block validation repo. Interesting also there’s an open PR to update it dating back to…11/4/22 :face_with_monocle:

What are the other big private mempools out there aside from Flashbots? I thought Blocknative and Bloxroute were both relatively quite small? Are you aware of any of the big validator pools (CEX or decentralized) operating these “dark pools”? Perhaps maybe also a consortium of the big crypto MMs (the ones that are still left standing anyway)?

Is it clear though that Flashbots enabled incremental MEV extraction or simply organized activity that otherwise would have occurred anyway in a (trusted) somewhat orderly marketplace? I don’t think it’s actually very clear if there’s a causal relationship there to be fair to Flashbots…

They have been actively helping new, independent relays (iirc both the Gnosis DAO one and bootstrap activity by forwarding blocks to them. Or are you saying even when accounting for that, their share has been going down? Isn’t it reasonable that their market share would go down given they were effectively at 90-100% of the MEV market (though I suppose you could measure it a number of ways, internal builders vs. their relay)?

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