Questions for Team re blockbuilding, etc

  1. 99 blocks built in the last 30 days sounds like a good starting point but what factors will drive growth in this number? Is it mainly about signing up as many validators as possible?;
  2. If it is about the number of validators, how many have been contributing over the last 30 days and what is a realistic target for number of validators in the medium term?;
  3. What percentage of the ETH earned per block built will go to FOLD stakers and how much to the treasury?;
  4. You said in Telegram that you expect revenue from underwriting AVS risk to make up the majority of revenue in the medium term. What percentage of total revenue do you expect to be earned from this and what percentage from block building eventually?

Sorry if the questions seem dumb but I’d really appreciate if you could do your best to answer them.


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