Staking $fold, honoring xfold and XGA

I have two requests

  1. Single sided staking Myself and many other holders of $fold would need to sell fold in order to be able to stake with ETH required in the LP next to it. Being able to do single sided staking with fold would be very welcome in order to be able to fully participate with my $fold position.

  2. Honoring xfold I have been staking $fold via xfold for 3+ years now and would love to see this appreciated/considered with some small multiple to whatever, by the future staking or new XGA with a bonus. I just thought a man can ask. As I don’t know any details anything remotely valuable would be much appreciated :pray:

Thanks for considering @sambacha

this was addressed in my reply here Staking is Nigh - #6 by johnquid

Thank you but to be honest It didn’t feel like you were talking about the same things. Aka can you eli5 that please?

Absolutely, and thank you for asking! I would be happy to. However, I do believe I’ve already made my best attempt (in writing). With that said, there is a Twitter Spaces coming up (I believe)? I will try to show up for that and re-explain verbally, breaking up the explanation into parts, and allowing for questions along the way.