Community Update 01/14/25 - FOLD rewards and MultiSig initial signers

Draft Rewards Distribution for Staking

Some notes:

  • FOLD is fixed at $1.00 USD per FOLD
  • This is the base reward amount, so it does not include reward for being within the targeted range. This is what everyone would get regardless (so long as they are within a sane range).
  • We are open to hearing proposals on changing/improving the FOLD incentive program.

MultiSig Signers

The period is for 3 months, each person gets 333 FOLD (111 FOLD a month). I will reach out to you on Telegram and invite you to the private telegram channel for coordination.




Backup signers should the above decline:


Forthcoming News

We have finalized the tokenomics around XGA in principle, we will post a draft and the roadmap together.

We cookin da pasta 🍝

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Honored to be proposed after my application. I gladly accept to be a multisig. Thanks for the trust.


Glad to join MultiSig, wating for further instructions.

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Honored to be one of the few selected to join Multisig!! Looking forward to learn from you boss!


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Happy to be of service if any of these excellent community members decline.

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banned from tg, now talking nonsense in some internet forum what a bellend

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you cannot see if you do not recognize.

Sam are you refering today to cream multisig signers (, not sure i got to the TG group for new signers.

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Same thing, I (backup signer) have not been added to any Telegram group

Same, no multisig group yet @sambacha

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